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Friday, June 14, 2024

Young People Are Less And Less Likely To Own A Home

 "Turning Point USA" founder Charlie Kirk discusses this piece from Axios: Trump's Bid to Steal the Youth

CHARLIE KIRK: So Axios is writing Trump is coming for the youth vote." Today, Donald Trump's podcast with Logan Paul is going to be publicized. But it's very important to remember that younger voters know they are missing out on the three Ms that create decent citizens: mortgages, marriage, and mating.

Young people are less and less likely to own a home. Do you know that, according to Federal Reserve data, one in four home purchases in Q1 of 2024 was done by investors? One in four. That is a record high. It's never been that high.

So what does that mean? Let's say you have a little extra money and you're looking for a nice return on investment. You go into Scottsdale, or you go into Atlanta, or you go to Santa Barbara, and you buy a single-family home for a million dollars and then rent it back to a 28-year-old who is not able to buy a home.

Renters have less roots in the community. When you rent, you do not care as much about property taxes or the business of the city. Renting is bad for our society. High-rise areas tend to be more liberal. The more horizontal you are able to build a society, as Arizona used to be, the more conservative those societies become. Density creates liberal politics. The more people congested in a certain area, the more dense it is, the more likely they are to support left-wing ideals. You are less likely to really care about being a neighbor. You can almost hide in the anonymity of the city. That is how New York is. Density creates left-wing politics.

Then let's get to marriage. Marriage rates are at an all-time low. Young people, younger voters, are having the hardest time finding a mate. And then finally, maiden: having children and reproducing. The fertility rate is at the lowest it's ever been. We are well below replacement level when it comes to how many children we are having in this society.

Put those three together: mortgages, marriage, mating. Young people realize they are not able to access the simple American dream that prior generations were able to enjoy.

And Donald Trump is leaning right into that, understanding that home prices have risen dramatically. The average median income to buy a home under Donald Trump was $71,000 a year. Now, under Joe Biden, it requires $125,000 a year. $71,000 a year to $125,000 a year. You need to get a $50,000 annual increase in your salary in just three years to be able to own a home, according to Not to mention interest rates are super high.

You have a generation that owns nothing and is looking for a future. This is not overly complicated stuff.

And what are the Democrats selling? They're selling student loan forgiveness with other people's money. They're selling radical environmentalism. They're selling radical trans nonsense during Pride Month. They are putting the entire American economy in jeopardy. They want drive-through abortion clinics on every corner. This is what they are trying to sell to the next generation.

Increasingly, younger voters are like, "Yeah, I'm not putting up with that. I want a future," and Donald Trump has a rebel energy to him. The indictments are not helping them with younger voters. The indictments are significantly hurting them with younger voters. Younger voters think it's cool that Donald Trump is up against the system. They think it's pretty awesome that Donald Trump keeps on fighting.

He is a cultural icon. They have created him into a Nelson Mandela, Gandhi-type figure.

The Mockingbird media is weaker than ever before, and alternative media is ascendant, from Joe Rogan to Russell Brand. How young people see the world and consume information is not laundered through CNN, New York Times, or MSNBC. The Democrats are realizing they’ve lost a monopolistic control on younger voters.

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