WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren recently attended an oversight hearing at City Hall where several council members asked Scott's administration to postpone a vote on the measure.
"There are so many risks and hazards associated with these vacant properties," resident Maurice Brock told WJZ's Hellgren.
Brock said, "It's a definite safety risk for citizens, for city employees and firefighters."
Five decades of Democratic control have produced a massive exodus of the population, leaving 13,500 vacant homes across the city. Those who wish to stay anonymous but have participated in rehabbing vacant row homes in the city before, tell us the figure is much higher.
Bloomberg noted Scott's plan to sell vacant homes is reminiscent of the city's "dollar house" program from the 1970s.
The move to revitalize Baltimore (or at least attempt) comes as the city's total population recently crashed to a 100-year-low, losing nearly 40% of its people since the peak of almost a million in the early 1960s.

Who in their right mind would buy a vacant home in an imploding city?

Baltimore City is a prime example that whatever Democrats touch turns to dust.
As for Gen-Zers and millennials who have been priced out of homes - well now is your chance to buy at the rock bottom.
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